Change Log

Date Change Reason
10/16 First release of the site
10/16 "Does the company provide a transparency report" for Signal changed from "No" to "Yes" Open Whisper Systems have effectively published a transparency report
10/16 "Does the app have self-destructing messages" for Signal changed from "No" to "Yes" Signal now supports self-destructing messages
10/16 Added initial assessment of Facebook Messenger Facebook Messenger now supports encrypted messages
10/16 "Does the app have self-destructing messages" for Wire changed from "No" to "Yes" Wire now supports self-destructing messages
10/16 Moved site to Cloudflare CDN, enabled caching Site loaded too slowly outside of Australia/NZ
11/16 Site now has a maximum width of 1920 pixels Main table width was restricted on widescreen monitors
11/16 Added that the messaging part of Signal is fully open source (client and server); however, the phone call part is not (client only) Clarification
11/16 Changed "Can the messages be read by the company?" for Skype from "Very likely" to "Yes" There's enough evidence to suggest that Microsoft can read Skype messages
11/16 Added "Does the app use certificate pinning" for Wire to "Yes" Thanks to the Wire team for clarification
11/16 Changed "Do you get notified if a contact's fingerprint changes?" for Wire from "No" to "Sometimes" Wire does notify users if they've previously verified the fingerprint; thanks to the Wire team for clarification
11/16 Added "Are messages encrypted when backed up to the cloud?" for Wire Thanks to the Wire team for clarification
11/16 Changed "Does the app use TLS to encrypt network traffic?" for Telegram from "Yes" to "No" Telegram uses its own protocol
12/16 Happy New Year! The first column is now fixed It's easier to browse through the table when the first column (app name) is fixed
12/16 Added Viber assessment It's long overdue
12/16 Added "Does the company log timestamps/IP addresses?" for Google Allo It's pretty clear from Google's privacy policy that they collect this information
12/16 Added "Does the app allow a secondary factor of authentication?" for Google Allo The app doesn't provide 2-factor authentication
01/17 Instead of the first column being fixed, the header is now fixed It's easier to browse through the table when the first header (app name) is fixed
01/17 Added "Does the company log timestamps/IP addresses?" for Skype It's pretty clear from Microsoft's privacy policy that they collect this information
01/17 Moved the Messenger column so that the apps are rated in alphabetical order Readability
01/17 Added on the About page that Wire can also be used without Google Cloud Messaging Thanks to the Wire team for clarification
01/17 Clarified in "Ratings" that although Apple encrypt iCloud backups, they have access to the encryption key and can hence read iMessages that have been backed up to iCloud Clarification
01/17 Changed "Does the company provide a transparency report?" for Threema from "No" to "Yes" Threema does provide a transparency report; thanks to the Threema team for clarification
01/17 Added two more investors under "Funding" for Wire Both Janus Friis & Zeta Holdings Luxembourg, along with Iconical, fund Wire
01/17 Changed "Infrastructure jurisdiction" from "Switzerland" to "EU" for Wire Wire is hosted in the EU (appears to be in Ireland)
01/17 Changed the rating "Does the app use TLS to encrypt network traffic?" to "Does the app use TLS/Noise to encrypt network traffic?" Whatsapp uses Noise for transport layer authentication and encryption; Signal probably uses it, too (couldn't find any information to confirm this)
01/17 Added a FAQ to the "About" page I've received a few emails asking similar questions
02/17 Changed "Has there been a recent code audit and security analysis?' for Wire from "No" to "Yes" Wire has now been independently audited; thank you to the Wire team and others for letting me know
02/17 Under cryptographic primitives, I've changed any app that uses SHA-1 to red SHA-1 has been broken by Google; they have published two files with the same SHA-1 hash
02/17 Changed "Are the app and server completely open source?" for Signal from "Yes (messaging is but phone calls is not)" to "Yes" Open Whisper Systems have released the source code for phone calls and video calling
03/17 Changed "Does the app allow a secondary factor of authentication?" for Wire from "No" to "Yes" Wire now supports Touch ID on iOS
03/17 Added "Does the app encrypt data on the device?" for Wire It's clear from Wire's security whitepaper that they encrypt data on iOS and Android
08/17 Changed "Company jurisdiction" for Telegram from "Germany" to "US / UK / Belize" Telegram isn't a registered company in Germany; it is registered in the US, the UK, and Belize through a complex structure of shell companies
08/17 Changed "Infrastructure jurisdiction" for Wire from "EU (appears to be in Ireland)" to "Germany / Ireland" Wire's servers are hosted on AWS in Germany and Ireland
08/17 Changed "Are the app and server completely open source?" for Wire from "No (clients only) to "No (clients, protocol, and API only; server partially open source)" Wire have begun to open source their server code
08/17 Changed "Does the app allow a secondary factor of authentication?" for Whatsapp from "No" to "Yes" Whatsapp have rolled out two factor authentication
08/17 Changed "Are messages encrypted when backed up to the cloud?" from "No" to "iOS: Yes; Android: No" Whatsapp iCloud backups are now encrypted; Android backups on Google's cloud remain unencrypted
11/17 Changed "Are the app and server completely open source?" for Wire from "No (clients, protocol, and API only; server partially open source)" to "Yes" Wire have made their server code open source; thanks to the Wire team for reaching out
11/17 Changed "Company's general stance on customers' privacy" for Telegram from "Good" to "Poor" Telegram isn't designed to protect users' data by default, does not use strong security/encryption
02/18 Added assessment of Riot The assessment was requested 20+ times
02/18 Added "Signal Foundation (Brian Acton)" Funding for Signal Signal have created the "Signal Foundation"; Brian Acton has given $50 million USD to the foundation and sits on its board
05/18 Changed "Have there been a recent code audit and independent security analysis?" for Wire to "March, 2018" Wire has had another round of independent audits; thanks to the Wire team for reaching out
05/18 Changed "Are the app and server completely open source?" for Riot from "No (clients and API only;)" to "Yes" Riot uses Matrix's home server by default
05/18 Changed "Cryptographic primitives" for Telegram from "RSA 2048 / AES 256 / SHA-1" to "RSA 2048 / AES 256 / SHA-256" Telegram's new protocol uses SHA-256
01/21 Added Big Tech's names to the main row Emphasise which companies own which apps
01/21 Changed "Have there been a recent code audit and an independent security analysis?" for Threema from "Yes, (November, 2015)" to "Yes, (October, 2020)" Threema had an independent analysis conducted in October, 2020
01/21 Changed "Infrastructure jurisdiction" for Wire from "Germany / Ireland" to "EU" Wire's website states that its servers are in the EU
01/21 Replaced Google Allo with Google Messages Google retired Allo in March, 2019
01/21 Introduced "Reproducible builds" as part of the assessment Reproducible builds prove apps in app stores were compiled with published source code
01/21 Changed "Are the app and server completely open source?" for Threema from "No" to "No apps only" Threema released its source code for iOS and Android apps
01/21 Changed "Funding" for Threema from "User pays" to "User pays, Afinum Management AG" Threema introduced a new business partner
01/21 Changed "Company jurisdiction" for Telegram from "USA / UK / Belize" to "USA / UK / Belize / UAE" Telegram developers work out of Dubai, although their complex set of shell companies is beyond my legal understanding
01/21 Changed "App collects customers' data?" to align with permissions granted from the Apple Store Now aligned to recent articles about Whatsapp's foreseeable privacy policy change
01/21 Renamed "Riot" to "Element"
01/21 Changed "Are messages encrypted when backed up to the cloud?" from empty to "Yes" Element encrypts the data with a user-supplied key
01/21 Changed "Is encryption turned on by default?" for Element from "No" to "Yes" Element enabled default end-to-end encryption last year
01/21 Changed "Does the app encrypt data on the device? (iOS and Android only)" for Element from empty to "Yes" Thank you to Element for reaching out
01/21 Changed "Is personal information (mobile number, contact list, etc.) hashed?" for Element from empty to "No" App permissions hint that Element does not hash this data
01/21 Changed "Does the app have self-destructing messages?" for Viber from "No" to "Yes" Viber introduced self-destructing messages last year
01/21 Introduced "User data and/or metadata sent to parent company and/or third parties?" as part of the assessment Whatsapp will change its privacy policy to send data to its parent company (Facebook)
01/21 Added "Merlin International / Lytical Ventures" to funding for WIckr Thank you to Wickr for reaching out
01/21 Changed "User data and/or metadata sent to parent company and/or third parties?" for Wickr from empty to "No

(optional mobile number sent to third party for registration)"
Thank you to Wickr for reaching out
01/21 Changed "Do you get notified if a contact's fingerprint changes?" for Wickr from "No" to "Yes" Thank you to Wickr for reaching out
01/21 Changed "Are messages encrypted when backed up to the cloud?" for Wickr from empty to "N/A, Wickr is excluded from iCloud/iTunes & Android backups" Thank you to Wickr for reaching out
01/21 Changed "Does the app have self-destructing messages?" for Whatsapp from "No" to "Yes" Whatsapp now has self destructing messages
01/21 Added an "Overview" and "Details" section Attempted to make it more obvious that the first row is a recommendation
01/21 Added Session assessment After many requests, I decided to assess Session
01/21 Changed "Does the app allow a secondary factor of authentication?" for Signal from "No" to "Yes" Signal offers second factor authentication through the device's fingerprint authentication
01/21 Changed "Is personal information (mobile number, contact list, etc.) hashed?" for Element / Riot from "No" to "Yes" Element / Riot hashes contact details
01/21 Changed "Have there been a recent code audit and an independent security analysis?" for Element / Riot from "No" to "No (Matrix's encryption library reviewed by an independent party)" Element / Riot have had Matrix's encryption library reviewed; however, their apps and infrastructure have not been assessed
01/21 Added "Main reasons why the app isn't recommended?"
01/21 Changed "Is encryption turned on by default?" for Skype from "Yes" to "No" Skype encryption isn't enabled by default.
01/21 Changed "Does the app use certificate pinning?" for Wickr Me from "No" to "Yes" Wickr Me does SSL pinning
01/21 Changed "Company jurisdiction" for Wire from "Switzerland" to "USA / Switzerland" Wire has its holding company, Wire Holdings Inc, located in the US
01/21 Changed "Funding" for Wire from "Janus Friis / Iconical / Zeta Holdings Luxembourg" to "Janus Friis / Iconical / Zeta Holdings Luxembourg / Morpheus Ventures" Wire raised $8.2 million USD from Morpheus Ventures
04/21 Completed the Session assessment Thank you to the Session team for answering my questions
06/21 Changed "Funding" for Wickr Me to "Amazon" Amazon acquired Wickr
06/21 Added "Former NSA chief Keith Alexander is on Amazon’s board of directors" to "Main reasons why the app isn't recommended" for Wickr Me Amazon acquired Wickr; Amazon is deeply connected to the US government and hence cannot be trusted
06/21 Changed "Company's general stance on customers' privacy" for Wickr Me from "Good" to "Poor" Amazon acquired Wickr, and Amazon does not have a great record at securing people's data (e.g., Ring and Alexa)
06/21 Changed "Company collects customers' data?" for Wickr Me from "No" to "Yes" Amazon acquired Wickr, and Amazon collects users' data
10/21 Changed "Have there been a recent code audit and an independent security analysis?" for Session from "No" to "Yes (April 2021)" Session was independently assessed
10/21 Changed "Does the app enforce perfect forward secrecy?" for Session from "Yes" to "No" Session implements the Signal protocol with a few exceptions, including PFS
10/21 Changed "Infrastructure jurisdiction" for Session from "Attachments: Centralised server in the US" to "Attachments: Centralised server in Canada" Session's attachment server is in Canada
10/21 Changed "Improvements to apps that are recommended" for Session to "Implement perfect forward secrecy at the end-to-end encryption layer / Provide more comprehensive independent assessments of security/privacy" Session was independently assessed; attachments are end-to-end encrypted
10/21 Changed "Are messages encrypted when backed up to the cloud?" for Session from "No" to "N/A, Session is excluded from iCloud/iTunes & Android backups" Session is excluded from iOS and Android backups
10/21 Changed "Funding" for Wickr Me from "Amazon" to "Amazon / CIA" Wickr Me accepted $1.6 million USD from the CIA before being bought by Amazon
10/21 Added "Funded by the CIA" for Wickr Me to "Main reasons why the app isn't recommended" You can't make up this nonsense; do not use Wickr Me
10/21 Changed "Are messages encrypted when backed up to the cloud?" for WhatsApp to "iOS: Yes / Android: Yes" WhatsApp backups are now end-to-end encrypted
10/21 Changed "Can messages be read by the company?" for WhatsApp from "No" to "Yes" "Abusive" messages can be forwarded to a moderator for review
10/21 Added "Messages can be read by Facebook if marked as "abusive" for WhatsApp to "Main reasons why the app isn't recommended" "Abusive" messages can be forwarded to a moderator for review
02/23 Changed "Does the app enforce perfect forward secrecy?" for Threema from "No" to "Yes" Threema have implemented PFS in their new ibex protocol:
03/24 Clarified app authentication rating It wasn't clear that I meant local authentication on the app itself, not the user's account
03/24 Added initial assessment of Simplex
03/24 Added initial assessment of Twitter DMs
03/24 General update to Skype Skype uses Signal's protocol for private messages
03/24 Updated iMessage and Signal's cryptographic primitives iMessage and Signal now use "post quantum" key exchange protocols
03/24 Many general updates - iMessage contact verification
- Signal assessments
09/24 Changed "Does the company provide a transparency report?" for Simplex from "No" to "Yes." Simplex now has a transparency report
09/24 Changed "Does the company log timestamps/IP addresses?" for Simplex from "Yes" to "No" Simplex implemented private IP routing
09/24 Changed "Is the app recommended to secure my messages and attachments?" for Simplex from "Needs further consideration and feedback" to "Yes" Simplex now meets the criteria for "Yes"
09/24 Changed "Main reasons why the app isn't recommended" from "Provide a transparency report" to "Provide more comprehensive independent assessments of security/privacy" Simplex now meets the criteria for "Yes"
09/24 Added quantum resistant cryptographic primitive for Simplex Simplex uses sntrup761 for both key exchange and the double ratchet